We need to aim higher and do better to protect and restore our life support systems – to bend the curve of biodiversity loss. This means going beyond “business as usual”.
World Wildlife Fund, Living Planet Report , 2018

For long term wildlife conservation, we need to conserve and protect the land. This land is shared by people for agriculture and grazing for livestock.

We need to create alternative viable means of living for the people who share the land with the wildlife. The income earned with these new jobs will be used to buy food, education for their children, medical care, etc. Unlike donations, which only lasts for a short time, training and creation of jobs enables the people in the community to provide for themselves.

33% of the profits from the sale of the bag will be used by TheOne08 to purchase equipment and provide training for the people at Il Ngwesi. When you purchase your TheOne08 bag, it provides the means of making a living thus conserving land and wildlife.

We need to aim higher and do better to protect and restore our life support systems – to bend the curve of biodiversity loss. This means going beyond “business as usual”.
World Wildlife Fund, Living Planet Report , 2018

For long term wildlife conservation, we need to conserve and protect the land. This land is shared by people for agriculture and grazing for livestock.

We need to create alternative viable means of living for the people who share the land with the wildlife. The income earned with these new jobs will be used to buy food, education for their children, medical care, etc. Unlike donations, which only lasts for a short time, training and creation of jobs enables the people in the community to provide for themselves.

33% of the profits from the sale of the bag will be used by TheOne08 to purchase equipment and provide training for the people at Il Ngwesi. When you purchase your TheOne08 bag, it provides the means of making a living thus conserving land and wildlife.